So I'm going to use this time Jess to rant. I'm about to read a few of you women that claim to be paid based on your ability to "turn up", you heauxs REALLY need to stop. So I was minding my own twitter business [Follow me @ImJess_sayinso] anyway--so I'm doing my daily scrolling and I came across a "retweet" of a well-known "video vixen/ model/rapper/dancer..blah blah...[used every word but stripper and prostitute]". Who tweets: "If u really like me respect that I love being spoiled gimme money and buy me gifts or cut urself off before I do if u can't
Hmm...I have so many things to say about this one tweet...
#1. Since when do we associate "respect" with being "spoiled"? I'm pretty sure if he respected you wouldn't have to give him a lesson on twitter...
#2. Listen Honey Boo Boo shouldn't have to put out a PSA on how to "afford you", if you were really out here on your job there wouldn't be any reason for a shameless plug. Its about how you conduct yourself and what your "afforded" is based on your actions as a woman. Women that are treated well also act like it.
#3 I ran this past an old timer...her exact response..."If baby girl was really paid, she wouldn't be talking about it! Back in my day those kinda women were well kept and quiet!"--- So a little advice, stop discussing what you THINK you deserve and you Jess might get it----I'm Jess Sayin
So because I was more than annoyed by this tweet, I spent some time doing some twitter research just to see how disillusioned some of these chicks are and I've done the favor of leaving their names out---even though most of their pages are open... My twitter reasearch shows how bi-polar and irrational some of you chicks really are...
MORNING TWEET: "Thank You Jesus for waking me up #Blessed #Highlyfavored"
---Everyone does it...I'm not judging your path to Jesus because I'm not perfect but I'm Jess pointing out some major discrepancies here...
AFTERNOON TWEET: "What is the big deal with prostitution? Who is it hurting?"
---Um excuse me Spindarella, prostitution isn't hurting anybody but you are STILL broke, stop tweeting about your poor career decisions to give up the snatch for money--I'm Jess Sayin...
EVENING TWEET: "B******shouldn't struggle. If you have a p**** you should never be broke. Unless you're ugly, then I don't know what to tell you..."
--OK, this is coming from a girl that I'm pretty sure idolizes Kat Stacks' bangs, lace front wigs, and false eyelashes...There are plenty of reasons why women shouldn't struggle, but selling your vagina to make it isn't the answer either. Furthermore, its a lot of you UGLY mop buckets that are out here prostituting and stripping, so please don't associate the bone structure of your face with being poor because you my dear are fugly! I'm Jess keeping it real!
I'm sure some one may be thinking, "Why Jess hating"? Lets make one thing clear...I'm not hating. I'm Jess exposing my feelings on a topic that we all like "roll our eyes at". Getting paid to show or use your body parts is WHACK and bragging about it on twitter is Jess absurd! So I also went to some friends to get their opinion on the whole subject matter, am I being a hater? ..Of course I'm not. Most of them agreed with me. Selling your goodies for sex is whack; one friends said: "I don't feel comfortable as a highly educated woman to say I should be reduced to what's between my legs".--[SAY THAT!]--You don't have to use your sexuality to be successful.
However, my friends did have a different opinion about the stripper's hustle, a few felt like if she was using those coins as a means to support education or her family they could understand. [I'm on the defense about this one]...its essentially the Robin Hood Act, I get it. But still... shaking them yams for cash is demoralizing! What none of them agreed with is going on social networks and broadcasting how much of a "winner" she claimed to be.
The biggest issue which we always seem to forget is that there is someone watching you. What message are you sending to young girls by promoting your stripper and sex parties? Quick money isn't always good money and at the end of the day, you have to think about what type of influence we want to leave in this world....--Jess Sayin' it is important to think about your impression on others whether their opinion affects you or not.
Now that I Jess got that off my chest and busted you all out...The bottom line is..It isn't cute. Stop the stunting on twitter, your Jess as broke as the next and living cash to cash. The only difference is you can't claim your coins to the IRS at the end of the year... Furthermore, if any of my readers are from that industry, please feel free to check me...remember I'm Jess Sayin but if you were REALLY paid you wouldn't have to instruct someone on how to pay you lady luscious. So, at the end of the day, your right, it is your vagina and your vag facts and only you have to live with it, so next time do my timeline a favor and keep it to yourself.Mmmkay? Oh but please remember, I'm only Jess Sayin...!