What would you do..?
Lets Jess say you met a FIONE ass man/woman... everything you ever thought you wanted, but there is Jess one big problem, the person is married! Wait wait let me finish, I mean legally married but lives as a single person OR has moved out and is filing the necessary paperwork. Kanye West and Kim K. for example, [The famous chick all because she made a boring ass sex-tape with "rapper" Ray J.] & then dated Reggie Bush, then married Chris Humphries and now prego patty by Kanye...Yeah ya'll forgot she was LEGALLY married and I guess you all forgot that that may be one of the reasons Yeezy hasn't put a ring on it...HE CAN'T! HA...Anyway, yes, pregnant by Kanye AND legally married to Chris Humphries, now I'm not throwing shade because I personally don't care what this chick does, [I don't respect her millions] but as I was speaking to someone I met to be named "Keisha" who was having mixed feelings about potentially dating a man that is legally married. Now I asked a few of you on twitter [@ImJess_sayinso] and it is clear that some of you 1. Have never had to deal with this situation; therefore you speaking off the "what you wouldn't do". 2. Those that did say Yes to dating a married person, were a bit more optimistic to saying yes if they could be shown paperwork. Or 3.Simply, Jess wait until the divorce is final.
--Maybe if Yeezy would of waited to hit them buns the two might not have something cooking in that used easy baked oven --I'm Jess Sayin!
So, because most of you said you wouldn't date someone that was legally married under any circumstance, I went old school on y'all. Clearly this issue is slightly rare for someone under 30. [Sorry--I'm Jess Keeping it Real]... So I went back to a couple that dated while he was filing for divorce. Well, she stuck it out the whole time --she dealt with the harassing ex- wife to his children hating her. To then finalize the divorce, date for a little while longer then break up because he didn't have time for a relationship. Was 'old school' a rebound? Was she there to keep his dose of Viagra regular [I'm Jess Sayin] and was their breakup inevitable? Old School started as the mistress, it is cloudy whether he was unhappy prior or whether she wrecked shop; however the circumstance--They didn't last, I think the break up Jess happened because they needed to break up, most believe its because she was his rebound once he was legally 'unchained' he could do what he wanted--so why be with someone you don't have to be with?--[When dating a married man goes wrong]
So what if the person is legally married yet separated? Both have a significant other; but neither have filed for divorce. One person shared how they dated for seven years and every year there was an excuse for why the divorce papers weren't filed. To the point of where that ended up the relationship. Their goals were different, one person wanted to be married and well since Polygamy is kind of illegal it wasn't going to happen.--So don't Jess trust everyone, Jess wait for the proof.
No one is perfect, and oddly enough they say you can't help who you fall in love with. I'm sure most of you can agree with me on that. Some meet online, some meet through a friend. Some meet Christians and they are catholic....& clearly some meet married and they are single. Let me get this straight though..there is a difference between dating a married person who has no intentions of divorce, that my friends is a home-wreck [NOT Jess Sayin approved]
However, agree with me or not, I do believe that there is an exception to that rule. Dating someone that is in the process of divorce but is legally married is OK [IF that is what you want to do]. I'm sure that it isn't easy especially if their spouse is crazy or doesn't want to divorce. Sometimes there are kids involved, alimony [which then breaks into their pockets MONTHLY]--So Jess be careful dating someone that is married. As long as it is done in good clear conscious, live your life honey boo boo. It definitely isn't for everybody but I'm sure it comes with its fair share of drama and judgement but, that will be your problem to solve!---Jess make wise decisions, don't block your blessings because he/she is FIONE and don't forget about that tornado of a chick Karma--Because She don't play! [OK] --I'm Jess Sayin!