Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Y'all Jess Too Busy Thirst Trapping

Have you ever fallen victim to the trap...? What trap am I speaking of... the #Thirsttrap!
Now while a lot of you have been seeing me randomly hash tag #thirsttrapping on twitter & pictures. It is all in the name of truth people #thirsttrapping is real! It is another social disease that we all suffer from we are all guilty of #thirsttrapping it is jess another way to put our damn business out there and apparently  SOME of you all claim to do it without realizing its a thirst trap..hmmm [RIGHT..jess keep it real] we are all far far from discrete!  OK jess so we are all on the same page and because everyone isn't as cool as I; many might be wondering what is thirst trapping? OH [U AIN'T KNOW??] It is the ability to fall "in love or like"  with a picture, video, or words that may appear to be tantalizing! They often solicits comments such as: "Damn you fine!" "Girl don't make me..." as well as the emoticons/smiley faces/hearts. Is this you? Damn my friend you have been #thirstrapping.

  For instance, Bon'qui-qui posts a picture of herself with the caption "#NewPillows..." MEANWHILE  Qui-Qui is a nice thick tendoroni--- she jess #thirsttrapped all her followers...whether it was for the "like" or for the comments...She got you! Many won't even read the caption. Half of you won't even realize the post was about "pillows"...Y'all have to be aware
#thirsttrapping is another form of seeking acceptance and attention. Many have fallen victim to #thirsttraps and some times the people performing them like to pretend that it wasn't intentional... NOW QUI-QUI GIRL, you know damn well... WHY you posted this picture..for the attention, folks are really out here demoralizing themselves for a little social media attention...[jess petty]
Now let me not shift all the blame on the person posting the picture, or "model pose" videos; how some of you comment and like are just as much a trap... If Ezel goes through and likes all of baby girl's photos what is he doing?? Trying to get her attention "hey boo"  date me...It's another form of "lemme holla at cha lemme holla holla hollaaaa". By way of "imma like all your photos then inconspicuously put my # on one picture".... Back in the day we didn't have Internet hook up abilities like that-- we had other trap devices [playing It, writing notes--making sure you check yes or no] but in 2013, y'all jess crazy! Believe it or not, some people end up meeting the folks they thirst trap AND apparently hookup?? [Jess nasty]. When someone likes that many of your pictures what do you do? Click on their name and see what they look like and what do we have? Insta-connect [Jess Sayin...]

There are many ways to thirst trap and we ALL fall for the heaven sent body parts.. We are all entertained by a person's perfectly sculpted body.  We can't help it.

BUT Here is the reality people! Many moons ago a people use to say picture a picture is worth a thousand words.. but in 2013 the only thing we promote 1,000 ways is how to: SEX, LIE, and BE RATCHET...All we do is over share... Create insta-lives and then wonder why you have "fans" and "haters"...don't be that person..Whatever happened to art.. Qui-Qui's ass and Ezel's muscles only suggest a few things...and it isn't art [Jess Sayin] To all the Qui-Quis/Ezels of the world...hear me out! I'm jess curious, what are you really selling here...or excuse me..GIVING AWAY? Yet you will continue to hashtag #TeamSingle... you're single because nobody wants to be with someone that everyone has seen. What level of expectation are you providing..if all they need to do is scroll through your pictures on social networks? No one wants someone that appears to be desperate and if no one told you...that is desperation.. keep that ON THE LOW..[Date each other for a while...then get crazy] --haha..Jess kidding...[MAYBE]....But as always I'm not taking about ish....What do I know...I'm Jess Sayin...