Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Moment of Silence...for the Hoe Moment

What's Poppinnn!!!! So, I'm jess going to hop right into the topic for the evening...I have been holding on to this post for a very long time. I wasn't sure if it was something I wanted to even discuss because more times than not women are exploited; however, the gig is up. We have been exposed and after all damn it I'm Jess Sayin! I'm sure a lot of ladies may feel some type of way about this post; but unfortunately, I don't write about shit that everyone likes. No exceptions. So let's talk about this hoe moment, like any other thing that I claim; I try to back it up. I believe that every girl has [had] a hoe phase. [SAY WHAT!?] YUP!
Where do I begin [sigh] because we[women] are all so complicated, it takes us a moment to have our "hoe-piphany" (The realization that you potentially lived or participated in the HOE realm during some point of your adult life). Most times you reflect on your moment after the alleged hoe phase is over, you could be in this phase for a very long time and not even realize it! 
[Jess A Disclaimer]
...Hoe phases vary based on the chick. I'm not saying all women are Hoes. Every girl hasn't slept around, smashed the homies, or been a total tramp; but every girl has done her dirt. #FACT. Sorry ladies! Truth is truth and I can't expose men and not expose us too! [I Jess Don't Roll Like That ]

[A Hoe Moment is simply, a time in your life when you jess didn't really care. PERIOD.]
 There are a variety of reasons why many have their hoe moments. I'll explain the most common type of hoe phases.. Type1: Sheltered Shakeykey Type 2: Free Fio-Nicka, and Type 3: Angry Anju'wanay (it's French) LMAO 

Type 1: Sheltered Shakeykey type, probably grew up in a well-to-do home. Shakeykey was in the choir, had very strict rules, and probably wasn't exposed to many things as a child or a teenager. Well hunny when Shakeykey gets that first taste of freedom she can either balance it or she can jess go buck wild! Shakeykey types are sensitive though...she usually calms down after her first Facebook, frat house, or gossip girl  scandal. Eventually, she calms all the way down. Sheltered Shakeykey can be tamed once she's in a relationship; however, she probably won't look back at her "hoe moment" until shes happy in her relationship praying to sweet baby Jesus that her secrets aren't ever exposed. [Jess Be Like That Sometimes.. The Worry Be Real]

Sheltered Shakeykey either comes clean to the boo about her girl gone wild moment[s] or jess throws that shit in the closet hoping nobody reveals her skeletons...But lets be real, we've all learned the hard way: omitting is jess as bad as a lying. [Jess Keep It Real] 

Type 2: Free Fio-Nicka type could have been one of those girls that was captain of the chess team, all American player,  and had the perfect high school relationship! Oh yeah she was probably voted most likely to succeed and could have been prom queen; she was the shit! Oh but deep down Fio-nicka is tired of being in the spotlight! No matter how her relationship ended this girl is finally "free" of commitment. 
 Fio is jess getting her life, she has been with the same guy for so long she is jess fine with exploring all her options! She is on some Dora the explorer! She is discovering what all the hype is about with the single life and to be quite frank "she loves this shit!" [in my August Alsina voice]! This type of girl literally is jess enjoying without regret. There isn't anything wrong with enjoying, jess be careful! [STDs don't know you by name boo] While Fio-Nicka is enjoying herself many around are like what is she on? She jess busy getting her life. Now, Fio-nicka isn't necessarily out here being a garden tool (hoe) and by that I mean adding up her body count although there are some chicks like that...Fio could have a roster and things. She could be a pimp.. She could be a sex worker. Each case is different.  Yeah-- not condoning or judging Jess Sayin she does exist and her multiple personalities!

Of course, Type 3 the "angry woman" Angry Anju'wanay who we will call NayNay for short. She has been cheated
on, lied to, mistreated, and damn it she has decided she is jess going to "do her" --whatever that ever meant! Chile NayNay is jess tired and doesn't care about the judgment or the whispers. This type of woman is in a space where she obviously been threw some real shit...but because she has been done so wrong by a few knuckle heads she jess does a total 180 and plans her hoe moment... Does it possibly give her a name? Sure. NayNay is not worried. In fact she feels entitled to have this moment of sexual liberation.

Every woman has a right to have a "moment". Why? Because some men have moments for 365 days, years, decades, and centuries! So I'm pretty sure you can forgive our garden tools ways as we forgive you all [men]. Women do most things based off of how we feel: curiosity, emotion, or unconcerned with opinions....

Ladies, are you pissed because the verdict is out (I can guarantee I'm not the first to say it) or agreeing silently? I bet...none of you will comment with what type of phase you went through though...[Jess Sayin]

Y'all can shake your head in disagreement or in disgust. Y'all know it is true! Have a moment of silence for the hoe moment...As always, I don't know shit... [I'm Jess Sayin