Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Twas' The Season: Jess To Cuff Part II

 OK so I was asked to do a cuff season part II...

Well I went to all my married/long term relationship friends & family; surprisingly a lot of you all said the same thing [Well that's CUTE or whatever] LOL... So in my last post I went with the concept of trying not to get "fired"...but I didn't really give you guys any insight on how to stay together. Well here you have it... from those that have been together for 7 months to 10 years.. A difference of opinion yet--when it all comes down to it, you all pretty much said the same things. Three key ingredients: Communication, Space, and Sex.

I'm also a sucker for the sappy TRUE stories...I'm Jess Sayin love is rare but it does exist.Y'all want to stay together huh & how to stay keep it going after the honeymoon stage is over? Ok...

"I knew the honeymoon was over and she was comfortable when she farted...Girls really fart"--[That's real] HA ! A couple that has been married for almost 4 years and college sweethearts, gave me their "secret". He says the two are committed to a date night once a week. Two out of the four weeks, they have to go somewhere. One time out the four weeks his wife has to choose a place and the other he has the responsibility of picking the place. --it sounds like it's about placing equal responsibility to keep the relationship spicy.
Another interesting perspective from a guy's point of view which I agree with was applying cuffing rules to the summer... " I think where people go wrong post cuffing season is applying cuffing season rules to the summer" [BINGO] ... Did y'all just have the same AH HA moment I did when he told me that. Let me break it down for you guys. [Which is what he did] In the winter, it is more of the expectation that you will see, talk, and spend significantly more time with your boo-thang because it is cold! [Ain't nobody got time for that] folks are less likely to go out during the winter months Jess because it takes up too much energy! However, when it is hot outside [YEAHH I GOT TIME FOR THAT]. He suggested doing things that you all had discussed doing when the weather breaks; trying the new outdoor restaurant or concerts! His most important tip was giving your spouse some damn space! Find you a life and take advantage of your free time..."when you all come together, make it special".

Now of course I had to get some tips from some happily "forever cuffed" women because it is up to us to make men happy AND lets be real you have to attempt to keep him faithful and loyal to you honey boo boo. All women I asked agreed ..space is needed, but when he comes home from guys night or whatever you've got to turn it up in the bedroom. It is important to keep the love life spicy--don't be a "time out, I'm tired" chick ALL the time. Be creative. As one woman said: "freak in the seats...women in the streets" [Yeah Yeah Cliche' but it is true]... Now I know you ladies may think I am crazy but cook sometimes.. [YEAH..COOK] No easy mac or frozen chicken nuggets... no struggle paper plates and yeah it is about to be summer time but get creative and do better than you did in the winter time...

 MATTER OF FACT--Here is a tip, sign up for groupon right now if you are in Chicago, they offering cooking classes for two... A nice date idea [YOUR WELCOME]... Furthermore, Shakida, Man-Man doesn't have to pay for EVERY SINGLE DATE.. be spontaneous, let him think he is going to pay then YOU pay and actually DO IT. NO man wants a woman that doesn't take any initiative on anything.  --Jess Sayin' find a balance in acting too independent and dependent on your boo thang.. That is another way to get fired cuffing season or NOT... Let me Jess say this, it isn't always about being able to cook, clean, and give up the cakes whenever you are asked...Man or woman, we all need to have that ego stroked from time to time, have you motivated him lately? Has he motivated you lately? What about your boo thang makes them qualified to stick around for more than a few month? If you have an intelligent answer, you are probably safe from termination THIS quarter...but don't be fooled you are always up for reevaluation. The bottom line, in order to keep your place in that person's life--you both have to play your part: chill when necessary and love in this club when  necessary--there will be plenty of time to cuddle...it is too hot for all that...--I'm Jess Sayin
Jess Clarifying...
So while preparing this, I got a tweet from someone with the alias "wise one", he says ... Cuffing season isn't officially over until memorial day; according to him you have Easter to Memorial day to deal with the cuffing baggage in addition to "going HAM" in the gym Oh..Thanks for that. Welp, now that we've  cleared  that up...
Carry on and keep your significant other happy with a few basic principles or clean up that baggage per the "wise one"....

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