Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jess talking about a little kissin': PDA

How many of you love the sight of a happy couple? From  a mile away you see this couple hand & hand and their body language speaks "we go together", you have fallen in love with them and if they were any closer you might say they were a cute couple, he leans in to kiss his lady and even gives her a nice tap on the ass, while you may not say: "awwww" you continue with your day and may even tweet about "Love being in the air". However, imagine you look to your right and in your sight are two men or two girls that are kissing and ass grabbing! You feel some type of way, so you pull out your phone, cut the flash off, and in 40s you have blasted this couple on Instagram with hella hashtags like #thatsnasty #getaroom. If you didn't physically do it, you may have those thoughts in your head...all because of your preconceived idea of what public displays of affection (PDA) should look like...

Ahh Yes, PDA. according to John Legend: "some jess don't care"... while others  feel that PDA is inappropriate depending on the person partaking in it and how much affection is actually going on. PDA is a topic discussed by many; however, not many discuss whether they dislike it because of WHO is doing it rather than the act. I asked around to get a consensus on why PDA makes people uncomfortable and why sexual preference may influence their level of distaste. My search pretty much taught me a lesson. People that chose to live a homosexual lifestyles shouldn't be categorized based on MY thoughts of how I think PDA affects people, hence my example above. To set it straight, the act of inappropriate and excessive kissing, humping, and groping in public is what sets people off.

I asked some people what type of PDA made them most uncomfortable, many said male on male OR the "Rachet lets F***K right now" type of action. What makes us as a society so uncomfortable with homosexual acts of affection? Is it because we are not use to seeing it? Is it because we are slightly homophobic? Or are some jess not comfortable seeing people of the same orientation liking on each other? One person said two men made them the most uncomfortable not because it was two men but because they were the group that made it the most horrific to watch! "It was such an extra experience too much tongue and grinding"---I'm sayin'...I'm uncomfortable at the thought of this, jess by listening to that it seems weird. Why does PDA have to be soooo Extra? Maybe to show that you really love shay-shay or that you want the world to know, you're not scared to show the world that you will love on your boo anywhere...but would you mind keeping it classy?

I think another issue with PDA is that although the name is PUBLIC folks are out of control...doing it in the wrong places, a restaurant for example, lets jess say hmm for you fanciful folks Golden Corral LMAO---Now you know there is nothing really romantical about this establishment so why on earth is it necessary to tongue down your partner over all-you-can-eat steak? No need to harass his or her booty cheeks while waiting in the chocolate fountain line...and most importantly there are children around for goodness sake!Would you want your child taking those behaviors to recess? [Think about who watches you--even those that don't know you] Now a more sensible place could be the movies--dark yet the person behind you still sees the peck--HOWEVER, no need to have others around you missing scenes from a movie because you all are trying to create a part 2 and adding a whole new soundtrack!---it is jess rude. A nice steak house or fanciful restaurant might put you in the mood to salute your loved one...but keep it classy---I'm Jess Sayin!

Surprisingly, by one of my reader's I was described as a hater: "I'm not offended by any type of PDA but you sound like a hater, why does it matter to you what someone else is doing at their table?" WELL SHUT ME UP THEN OTIS! HMP [HE TOLD ME] I don't think of it as hating, I think of it as rude I'm trying to enjoy my all-you-can-eat experience and you over here given Shaquille Sunflower a preview to y'all desert menu! Here is a thought, say it is a first date, if they will tongue you down how many others will they be willing to do it to?--HERP is real... I'm Jess Sayin

Some of you may wonder why I thought to ask people their opinion on homosexual PDA. 1. Because I Can. 2. Because I ask and talk about the shit a lot of your asses think, and  3. I'm comfortable in my sexuality and I can ask questions about another's preference because that is what curious people do! [YEAH I JESS CHECKED ALL YOU HATERS] [POW]
I did learn from this experience, public displays of affection  no matter WHO is doing it, can make someone uncomfortable; it isn't because someone is gay that it makes it more wack than HOW it is being done. Some people that I asked do have an opinion about homosexuality because of religion, psych, or personal opinions of what something is suppose to look like and everyone is entitled to their own ideas about it. I jess so happen to have learned a lesson today: it isn't WHO is doing it, it is HOW you do it and fortunately for some, they will never get it because of their own personal limitations..but hey what do I know---I'm Jess Sayin'

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