Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Buy These Bitches Some Bottles!

So a couple of weeks ago me and some of my girlfriends were out celebrating a birthday or whatever. We were all there, minding our own fine business enjoying the scenery when a group of guys and a chick come up to OUR section. We all introduce ourselves to the folks we don't know and get the evil look from the chick that was with the group of guys... Of course we didn't give a damn...1.We were chillin' we don't generally worry about the people that we don't know or CARE to know...shorty was a not a factor...
2. We were enjoying our friend's birthday and could REALLY care less who showed up and who didn't and 3. we are jess the type that if you are friendly and warm we will be too! ANYWAY...within this group there was one guy...a short odd ball [who happened to be with the chick]--- he walks up to our table and says "We AIN'T BUY ALL THESE BITCHES BOTTLES!!"ohhh so of course of all the friends I heard it...I am usually a pretty calm person[HA] but I jess don't take peoples shit EVER.... So I politely go up to him and say WATCH your mouth because none of these BITCHES need you to buy a bottle....

Of course Shorty mack turned around and didn't say another word to us all night [GOOD]... But here is my point, what about my group said "WE THIRSTY CAN YOU BUY US SOME LIQUOR?" Secondly, dudes with curls especially light skin men should know curls for the girls is definitely played out [Jess Sayin] so no one was remotely interested and thirdly, he came up to our table...Get the hell off our property.... Now I was actually more bothered by this than I would normally be because I mean, I think I've got a pretty classy set of friends or whatever; but moreover when did buying a bottle get you ANYWHERE but in the poor house with females??
Apparently he was "type rich"...[clears throat] well BITCH we rich too... LMAO yes it is jess that serious. Not only did you insult us by saying what you weren't going to do, you assumed we actually gave a damn about what you COULD do. [life lesson] most chicks that can afford it...ain't worried about whether you can provide it, in fact we wouldn't have been impressed had you bought it anyway..[Jess Sayin]
See the reason why he thought it was okay to even utter those words is because some of you whorenishas have ruined it for the decent chicks out here...Y'all call each other bitches in public and anytime a man drops a dime or spends a little money them goodies hit the floor! Stop giving it up so easy for a bottle of $100 bottle of moet I'm sure the peen you got wasn't even worth to wooden collector nickels! Excuse me men, [Y'all not off the hook either] I'm jess going to ask you nicely STOP messing with the chicks that look like the help! That is like donating your Sunday's Best to a stripper...Its jess stupid and doesn't make much sense to do. Help them help themselves! As a whole y'all gotta stop because these "bitches" didn't need him to buy a bottle; but obviously he was use to dealing with the same type of chick he brought to the club that night... you know the lace front princess leggings and heels type? Yeah those....but wrong group buddy...but as usual I ain't talking about shit...what the hell do I know because I'm Jess Sayin!

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